Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Importance of Technical People Becoming People-People

Check out this quotation that supports the importance of understanding people and putting focus on building relationships with people:

"A Bell Lab's study found the best engineers didn't succeed because of their technical prowess, but because they put time and effort into building relationships that they could call upon when needed."

- from the Financial Post,  "The best of 2009 e-letter wisdom from 'experts'", Dec 21, 2009

Putting focus, time and effort into building relationships is important, even for, and perhaps, especially for, technical people.  It may not be a technical person's strength or natural inclination to pay attention to people, and build relationships.  However, it is important to succeed. 

If you're a technical person who want to achieve greater success through people, check out my "Technical People Becoming People-People" coaching program offering.  Feel free to ask questions, post comments, or apply for the program.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Get Results

I just returned from the International Coach Federation (ICF) Conference in Orlando, inspired to create a greater impact through results-based coaching.

This is a quotation from a leader of one of the workshops I attended, on Accountability:

"Taking action consistent with your desired outcome for your life, career or business gets results". - Mark Samuel

When I consider results I have attained recently, it is a result of applying these 4 principles:
  1. Being clear on my desired outcome,
  2. Setting a clear measure that defines success,
  3. Being focused and taking action in line with my desired outcome,
  4. Measuring how I’m progressing toward my desired outcome.

Considering areas where I have not attained the results I wanted, it clearly is due to a break down in applying at least one of these 4 principles.

Coaching Challenge:  For the results you want to see in your life, career or business, answer these questions:

How will you become clear about your desired outcome?

What measure(s) defines success for you?

What action(s) do you commit to take, consistently?

How will you measure progress towards your successful end-result?

Share your commitment by sending me an e-mail, or comment on this post. Personal accountability strengthens when you share your commitment with someone else.